Well, here is photographic proof that I suffered horribly in junior high...

Circa 1986: Bad hair (what's up with that chunk of bangs?), bad dye job a la "Sun In" from summer camp, and a truly ridiculous tuxedo and bow tie for 7th grade band. Not to mention my right hand looks like a daddy long leg spider minus four legs. Thank god I was temporarily spared the orange polyester that didn't rear its ugly head until high school...
1 comment:
Browsing blogs and I have to say that I love this picture. I thought it was me at first until I saw the sax. I begged my Mom all summer to use Sun In and boy was I sorry when she finally relented At least yours turned blond instead of a sickly red. I had that chunk of bangs also - used to spray it with Aqua Net between classes.
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