Anyway, I spent a few nights catching up with old colleagues, like my friend Mary from State Department (who I forgot to photograph because I was too busy drinking pints of Smithwick's) and Ash, who went to U of A with me here last year...
I made him pose for this photo...
... and he asked for a disclaimer saying that he'd been out hiking all day in the Shenandoah Mountains before picking me up for a drink... so don't mind the rugged look.
Last weekend I took the Chinatown bus up to NYC, where I stayed at Lola's place on the Upper Westside near Columbia.
Look at how cute her street is:
I heart NY!
We had a great time catching up on what we've been doing over the past ten years. (OMG, did I just write TEN YEARS?!? Oh, hell.)
Weirdly, another undergrad friend, Brendan (an architect now) and his wife Michelle (a 2nd grade teacher) live two doors down from Lola. She ran into him on the street a few months ago and recognized him from a date party we all attended about 12 years ago. He's now married to another Miami grad who lived in the dorm next to mine freshman year! We knew mutual people, but we didn't remember each other. Brendan has not changed a speck.
Here we all are having drinks the first afternoon:
Me, M, B, and L.
That night, Lola, Lovey, their significant others, and I went out for appetizers, drinks, and dinner. It was great to see everyone and hang out!
We also met up with my friend Greg from U of A and his girlfriend, Susan...
I must add that Lola's boyfriend took a picture of her and me at the bar after dinner, but we both appear to be sporting double chins so I ixnayed its posting.
I thought this was a good pic of L. and her boyfriend in the taxi enroute back to their apartment:
ps - I liked your earrings.
All in all, it was a great trip... not only because I love NY, but also because it was great to see old friends!!!
As I mentioned, I flew back to Tucson two days ago, and I had someone at the airport take this photo of me with my brand new bag on its virgin trip (yes, slightly sad, I know, but I'm dorky like that).
I'm proud to say it made it in one piece and appears to be the best luggage I've ever owned!
Hey, you promised not to post that picture of me because I am sporting multiple chins! Or rather that I have no neck. (I noticed you vetoed your own multi-chin photo). AHHH, screw it. Any vanity I had vanished long ago.
ALSO, I look like I am carrying your new luggage under my eyes.
The earrings are a Christmas present from Ted. Thanks for the compliment!
Hahaha... sorry, L. I really don't think you look so bad though!
Glad the luggage seems to be working out.
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