Anyway, another reason I wasn't so into watching the game is because I was more entertained by watching the Boff turn himself into a woman over the course of an hour or two of drinking. (For more on this outlandish behavior, from his perspective, I turn you over to his blog.)
It started out with my shoes...
... which left me barefoot in an outdoor bar (yuck!). However, I was not about to put his moldy, sweaty, crusty running shoes on my nude lily feet... under any circumstances!
Here's an up-close view of the spectacle...
... of note, when the Boff viewed this photo on my digital camera, his first words were, "Wow, I have big, shapely calves! Can I see that again?"
About ten minutes later, this was my view...
... Boff's tight little tush in Ingrid's tuxedo work pants... and Ingrid sporting his baggy pantaloons.
But the icing on the cake was still to come...
... when he traded shirts/tanks with French Stefanie. And suddenly he was wearing an entire ensemble of female garments.
Meanwhile, the hardcore fans had no interest in Boff's shennanigans...
... although the Diamond was very interested with something in his nose.
When I finally turned my attention back to the game, it was pretty clear that OSU was going to lose to the Gators... again.
Luke was my only ally through the whole ordeal...
... but only because he hates Florida and thinks Joachim Noah looks like Chaka from Land of the Lost.
I gave up hope and just had fun laughing with Ingrid...
... still wearing Ben's pants.
These two clowns were happy to see Ohio State go down in flames...
... I couldn't believe it when Action (on the right) said Ohio was the second worst state in the union, after New Jersey. What?!? What?!?
A few of us decided to end the evening at 80s Night at Club Congress so we walked downtown and hit the dance floor...
This picture is my favorite of the night. Please note Ben and Lynda at stage right, perfecting the "middle school dance" position.
I'm looking slightly crazed here with Erin & Ingrid...
... I think New Order might have been playing.
More general craziness with the Sandstorm...
... and his lovely ladies.
I was smart enough to tell Ingrid I was going home at 11 because I wanted to be in bed asleep by midnight. Luckily the MOOSE was driving her truck home, and she lives a block away from me.
Here I am with Ingrid and Lynda...
... posing in front of some stranger's sweet ride with the Moose Mobile in the background.
Ingrid and I convinced her to throw our bikes in the back of her pick-up, which turned out to be a multi-person task.
Luckily, Lynda and MOOSE lent a hand...
Once we got the bikes loaded, Ingrid and I tried some alluring poses...
... but Lynda ruined it by shoving her ham-scented popcorn cup into my face!
This might possibly be the most retarded photo ever taken in Tucson...
... yep, I'm not sure who looks more "special needs" here.
"Special needs," my ass. We look HOT.
HOT for the short bus, perhaps!!
That last one? Best. Photo. Evah.
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