Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sipping on Gin & Juice...

I have just returned from cocktails with my friends this evening at Plush. I drank one raspberry vodka and ginger ale, and one sweet blue drink that had quite a bit of rum and coconut in it. Then I drank two waters and came home.

The last time I drank a blue drink like that was in Turkey, when I ruined my British friend John's chances of scoring with a Finnish girl named Nina because I had so many blue drinks I fell off my bar stool, then wiped out in the middle of the street, and he had to find me a taxi cab and get me home, and by then she had left the bar, and I never heard the end of it from him. Yes, indeed, I'm the girl who he shall always remember as the chick who blocked his one opportunity to nail a Scandinavian bird. Sorry, John!

This weekend is going to stink. I will be writing my art history paper and fixing up the draft of my thesis (hopefully, if my advisors ever give me comments on it).

Thus, this evening I believed I would take advantage of my one "down night" (as opposed to "Down's night"... which involves Corky-like characters) and go out for a drink(s) and relax.

I never drink and blog. Although it might be too late for that. So goodnight!


bjswift said...

So you know, the blue drink was a "Sexy Blue Jesus Pants." Ask for it by name!

Good to see you tonight! ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I have that book - and I'm no Leopold von-Sacher Masoch

Italianissima said...

good luck, Kit! i have 2 papers to write this weekend so i will be thinking of you!

Chickytava said...

Greg, you made me laugh out loud.