Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Day of Ups and Downs

Two very interesting things happened to me today. One better than the other.

First, the good thing... well, maybe not "good," but kind of exciting nonetheless. As I was riding home from the gym on my bicycle around 11:45 this morning, I was flagged down on campus by a guy with a big Tucson Channel 4 (NBC) camera. He asked if he could interview me about bike safety for the evening news.

My primary concern was if I would have to be shown on TV. Not that I'm not interested in my 15 minutes of fame or anything, but after I exercise, I tend to turn tomato red. I was also not wearing a speck of make-up, I had not yet showered after my work out, and I was wearing this scabby old Gap tank top I bought from the clearance bin at an outlet. Not exactly the look I'd choose for a TV interview. Despite my vanity, I agreed to the interview, unable to resist the lure of a local news cameo.

In the end, I talked a little about the problem of sharing the road with pedestrians on campus, and then I added some corny bit about how I got a bell on my bike last year as a way to avoid hitting someone. When the news story aired tonight at 6pm, I found it amusing that that was the only part they included... the bell on my bike snippet. All of about 5 seconds. Which is totally relieving given that I looked like complete ass.

I tried to find a link to the story on the News 4 website, but it didn't merit a posting. So I took a picture of my TV screen instead to prove I'm not making this mumbo jumbo up...

(Paola -- you will appreciate the Invicta backpack straps, I'm sure!)

Anyway, the second interesting thing that happened to me today was not so wonderful. I stepped in fresh vomit in a Target parking lot tonight. Not my own. It had apparently been left by some poor, sick soul who probably ran out of Target at full speed about 20 minutes earlier and lost their dinner next to their car (to be replaced by my car soon afterwards, thus my blind step out the door into the puke). I had a very powerful Purell moment thereafter... as in wanting to bathe in it.

It was truly one of the grosser moments in my life, and I will never be able to look at that pair of shoes (a once cute brown pair of flats bought at Lara's in DC about two years ago) ever again, but luckily they did wipe clean inside Target.

So indeed a day of ups and downs. Now I'm hitting the sack... ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kYou are right, I noticed the Invicta Backpack straps right away. If I looked as good as you after a work out I would work out everyday! Sorry about the vomit - glad to hear your shoes cleaned up nicely. How traumatizing for you!