Friday, June 29, 2007

That Fetching Cat

I am deathly allergic to cats so there's some irony in the fact that I am currently cat sitting two friends' felines (Turtle & Finn).

Plus the people I babysit own a cat named Savi that I have to see every day. To be honest, I secretly loathe her (and she not so secretly can't stand me since she hisses and tries to claw me every single time I walk by the little bitch.) And she leaves fur balls all over the house, which make me sneeze incessantly.

This is her...

Hell cat.

However, this is Shauna's cat, Finn...

... who has the same coloring, but he's way bigger with shorter hair, even if you can't tell in this picture.

And... he fetches. And he loves to eat and chase marshmallows. And he likes me.

So he was deserving of this video...

Note the cat teeth marks on the marshmallow when I hold it up! Haha.

1 comment:

JC said...

Holy shit!

That cat would have had me entertained for hours.