Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Lamest Element of the UA Campus

Even though it was 105 degrees today, this morning I rode my bike to the house where I babysit.*

I usually take a short-cut through the UA campus, and as I ride up University Boulevard, I have to pass this statue in front of the UA basketball stadium...

I think it's the world's dumbest design...

I mean, is that wildcat actually lending a hand to the other one?

Really, I hate that statue. It's so fake. I'd rather have Wildcats fighting or pouncing or roaring or even pooping for that matter.
*I'm not completely insane, it's just that I had no car this morning because I dropped off my old Honda at the shop last night for a tune-up before I drive across the country in two weeks, and thus I did not have it at my disposal this morning.

1 comment:

JC said...

Aw, c'mon, everyone loves anthropomorphic wildcats! I thought they were German Shepherds at first...