Saturday, September 24, 2005

I have no resistance to peer pressure

It's official... I really have no resistance to peer pressure. What was that bit about me staying in last night and doing laundry and studying? Yes, well, it didn't happen because an hour after I settled into my pajamas, my evil friends, Shauna & Lindsey, called me from the bar and lured me out. The lure was 80s music night and a Corona waiting for me on the table.

Really, how could I resist? I'm proud to say that I still made it home and to bed by 1:30am (my goal), and it was actually really fun --- I danced like crazy with my girls and had a great time hanging out with our Indian guy friends (esp. dancing to Punjabi MC! --- which Shauna requested for "my birthday" and which the DJ was happy to announce. Yes, apparently I am also 23 now.) So here is the trio of trouble --- Shauna and me with little Lindsey sneaking in the photo. The goofy photos of Shauna and I are an attempt to camouflage her "pink eye" that she currently has. We thought that camera wink would appear playful, but it actually just appears a bit weird. Especially the one where I am about to start winking but haven't gotten there quite yet!!!

As a side note, my 22-year old best friends here had never heard of the song "Rock Lobster" by the B-52s when the DJ played it. I was singing/dancing along, and they were just looking at me like I was crazy. They had never heard of it before. My god, what a surreal moment.

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