Thursday, September 29, 2005

My cute niece Isabella

I have nothing interesting to say this evening (my day was really boring, like the movie Groundhog Day) -- class, swimming, homework. Thrills. So I am posting pictures of my super-cute 3-year old niece, Isabella, which I know my mother will appreciate since I don't think she's seen them yet. I took them when I stopped to visit my brother and his family in Denver in August (en route to Tucson). Isabella got this little Barbie Jeep as a hand-me-down from her cousin but doesn't realize the Jeep is broken. She thinks it's just to sit in to use the fake cell phone and doesn't realize it's supposed to drive around. Ha, kids --- so easy to fool!

Isabella making a very important call.

She looks just like her mom!

She meant business with this thing...

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