Saturday, February 04, 2006

Gem Show and Yoga Weekend

There are only two things going on in my life right now aside from school:

1. Spending far too much money at the annual Tucson Gem and Mineral Show (more on this in a later entry)


2. I am going to my first yoga class tomorrow here in Tucson! My mom got me a gift certificate for an Iyengar yoga studio out here, and my first class starts tomorrow!

Tomorrow I will update you with a full status report on the above two items. However, tonight I must go to bed in order to wake up rested for my morning yoga class. Not to mention that I have contracted the world's most annoying and tiresome bronchial cold and have been coughing non-stop for 2 days now. My head feels as though it is about to rupture. Therefore, I just want to climb in my bed right now, put chapstick on my running nose, snuggle into my flannel sheets, and cough myself to sleep...

Until later...
Typhoid Mary

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