Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The End of the Semester!!!!!

In celebration of the end of the semester, here's what I did tonight... beer & poker.

That's pretty much it... thanks Greg & Ashwin!! (now that I know you're reading this) BTW, I suck at poker. I kept thinking about what things were worth in Yahtzee, but I quickly learned that it's not quite the same.

I have had a couple beers so I'm going to keep this short & sweet... there's nothing worse than "drunk writing" --- similar to driving or dialing...

So in lieu of writing, I'll just show you what I have been doing the past several days, locked in my sad, small studio apartment...

The 800 or so Islamic Law books I've been perusing

Me reading about Ibn Taymiyya's rule on Shari'a law in governance

And now... to bed! I'm tired, and my mom gets here tomorrow. I planned to clean my apartment tonight... perhaps I can enlist her help now? Hey, isn't this what moms are for?

Too buzzed to write properly. Signing off. Ciao.

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