Monday, May 22, 2006

Party Weekend (plus my first day at my summer job)

Hello... here I am after my first day of work at my new fellowship at an unnamed government office. No comment on that for the moment. However, I would love to share one bit --- just a short note on a horse-faced girl at my orientation this morning who I immediately loathed after she made some unnecessary comment to me about "being late" even though I was there five full minutes before the orientation started. She was wearing a cheap polyester short-sleeved suit from Kohl's or "Chadwick's of Boston" -- and even worse, the suit was grey, which totally did not enhance her already sallow coloring and limp greasy hair. Okay, I'll admit, I have had three glasses of wine, and I'm feeling a bit sinister at the moment, but this lame girl really rubbed me the wrong way (and I had no choice but to sit next to her throughout the day, as it was my "assigned" seat... noooooooo!) Alphabetical order seriously sucks, especially when your last name starts with "Ba..."... not only are you always at the front of the class, but it seriously seems that only total goobers have last names that start with the letter "A" through "Be". For example, today at my table of seven people, not only was there horse-face, but there was also a guy who blew his nose continuously on napkins, looked at the snot, and then placed the napkin facedown. There was also a guy with a bowl cut who has two ferrets, and a pasty-faced blonde female engineer with the personality of a sheet of white paper...

Moving on to people with personality... I thought I would share with you some photo highlights from my birthday weekend that I spent with Miguel and then with all of my friends here on Saturday night...

Here I am on my b-day last Friday...

At M's apartment getting ready to open my Wakeman tickets.

And then the party at Nichole & Luis's house on Saturday night...

Luis and I celebrate our big days...

Miguel and Luis...

My friend Marcia told Miguel that he looked like he was in a "boy band" that night!

Three of my girlfriends...

Julia (9 months pregnant), Nichole, and Sara O.

Roommates Melissa and Lisa... (both a bit drunk, esp. Lisa!)

Melissa is from Tucson and went to U. of A. and Lisa gives out university grants to study in Yemen! Strange coincidences...

The Gringa and her Latino...

Marcia & Ricardo cut a mean salsa.

Miguel played computer DJ...

And he took his job very seriously...

The fruits of his DJ efforts...

The ladies on the dancefloor (ie: L & N's patio) dancing to Funky Cold Medina.

Getting a little wilder...

Nichole and Amy were going crazy here to 80s tunes.

Meanwhile, I make it a habit to never dance until I've had at least 10 drinks.

Instead I try to entertain people with lame stories about random things... not many laughs here. In fact, Marni looks plain annoyed.

After dancing...

The NYC divas... Sonja & Amy. Tres cool...

Wrapping up the night...

Miguel and Meg took each other on in "Name That Tune." Miguel could name the band faster, but Meg named the song titles quicker. Definitely an even match, although Nichole got so bored that she ended up passing out on the couch, and Luis had to carry her off to bed.

Sonja played game show music host... (at 2 am --- drinking started at 3 pm)

Sonja drums like crazy while Amy head bangs nearby. I think they might have been playing the Scorpions' "Rock You Like a Hurricane."

That's it for now... more later. Must go to bed for another big day of work orientation. Blah...


Anonymous said...

I was a bit scared by the general whiteness of Miguel's apartment.

Are you allowed to touch anything? Are all the canned good lined up the same direction? Bath towels in perfect symmetry?

Then I saw boy in picture and that boy is fine! (Funky Cold Medina must have brought out my ghetto speak).

Also, I'm glad I'm not horse face. Wow! I thought I was mean (chastizing myself as I walked into work this morning for mean comments thought about passengers on the subway).

I think I love you.

Anonymous said...

Like Lola, I too noticed (let's say was surprised by - not scared by) the whiteness of Miguel's apartment. I like the color bursts provided by the pillows. He's quite the decorator.

I think the wrapping paper even matched the red in the pillows?

Though her thoughts of Sleeping of with the Enemy did not jump into my head - until now.

Can I get out of commenting on M's hotness since I've met him before? But, I know I love you and your Kit-Katiness!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated b-day Kit! I wish I was in DC to celebrate with you. It looked like you had fun.

As for the people you work with...I am loving the commentary...keep it gives me something to look forward to as I try to figure out what I am doing at my new job...which is just like my old job - working for a wine distributor. But I digress.