Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Last Party of the Semester

There's nothing better than a party to drink away your cares at the end of the semester. Even though my mom was here visiting, I dragged her along to Greg and Ashwin's "going away" fiesta that they hosted in their nearly furniture-less apartment on their second-to-last night in town. My mom got a bit bored/tired/"I'm too old to be doing this" around 11pm and had my friend Alana drive her back to my place, but I stayed until a bit after 1 am, drinking several cans of Tecate beer and having a great time. Needless to say, I'm pretty bummed out that Ash and Greg are graduating, as they added a certain lifeblood to our mostly socially awkward and "not so fun" graduate department.

Here are a few snapshots of the event last Friday night:

Quiet Greg K. (different Greg than the host/my friend Greg J.) with Roller Derby A.M.K.

The Indian Party Gurus:

Ashwin (on the left) and his friend, whose name I don't know. He's getting a PhD in the astronomy department so he must be pretty dumb.

Some of my favorite people in my department:

Greg J. (sadly graduating), Satoshi (who my mother likened to an Asian chihuahua), Alana (my gemshow shopping partner), Carrie (my yoga partner), and Hikmet (Turkish exchange student).

Liquor out of coffee mugs is high class... and so is canned Mexican beer.

Here I am with Jordy, who is hilarious, and Ben & Greg in the background. Jordy played DJ for the night, but I guess he was taking a break here.

Ladies o' the Department... or at least the ones that drink...

Carrie, Alana, me, and Lindsey... (redheads vs. dirty blondes)

Last night to hang out with Linds...

OK, is my head honestly twice as big as Lindsey's? Or is it the camera angle? Jesus, I look like a moose in this photo, although for my sake, I will tell you that Lindsey is only barely 5'1" so it's sort of like a white, female Kareem Abdul Jabar posing next to a large-breasted Bart Connor or something along those lines...

More later on Mother's Day in Mexico. I must pack now to get ready to go back to DC tomorrow!!

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