Saturday, March 04, 2006

Drinks, Ballet, Drinks...

Although I'm rather hungover at the moment, I'm pretty psyched that I had a fun night out in Tucson. It started at the ripe hour of 4pm, when I met my friend, Greg (from my department), for happy hour drinks at a local watering hole near the university. Two hours and three pints of beer later, I must admit I was feeling rather warm and fuzzy, especially given the fact that my lack of a social life over the past several months has meant that my alcohol tolerance has dipped precariously low.

Don't they say that all good things come in threes?

However, I had to race home because Greg had an extra ticket to the U of A School of Dance recital last night, and he asked me if I wanted to go with him and two other friends in our department, Carrie and Ashwin. We had second row seats so we had great views... of, um, everything. I also saw a lot of buttock last night:

This doesn't leave much to the imagination...

Anyway, when it was over, we moved on to play pool and eat fried food at a local bar here in town before eventually ending up at a lesbian hang-out called, appropriately, "The Surly Wench," which reminded me of a cross between DC's "Black Cat" and "Bedrock Billiards." The best part about the bar was definitely its air hockey table although I lost miserably on my first and final attempt to challenge anyone. We later moved on to another bar called Plush (sort of a hipster hang out, but a little more refined, like DC's "Saint Ex") where we ended the night on the back patio under a heat lamp.

Although this wasn't taken last night, you can see
that drinking + heat lamps = ecstasy in my book.

So while commiserating over beers, I thought about the last major drinking fest I engaged in, which occurred last summer in Oaxaca, Mexico. I got totally sloshed on some powerful margaritas with Miguel and our friend Eileen the night before a strenuous all-day mountain biking trip (I thought I would puke the first two hours of the ride the next day... so not cool). Anyway, I found a photo of the start of that night in Mexico, and I realized that I, like most people, have some tell-tale signs of drunkenness:

This is not pretty. Sadly all of my photos after a few
drinks make me look like a doofus. Refer to heat lamp
photo above as well.

And finally... on a totally separate note, I just want to give KUDOS to Laura for pointing out that Patrick Swayze's face does now resemble, in fact, Rocky Dennis's mug in Mask:

The similarity is striking, especially around the mouth...

1 comment:

KateOnTheGo said...

I'm so glad you didnt post a full frontal view of that ballet dancer!
