Friday, October 27, 2006

Just Call Me Fern

I had a very frightful experience today. Although Halloween is coming up, I wasn't expecting to actually scare myself... but somehow I did just that and with little effort.

I was washing my hands in the student rec center bathroom, when I made the mistake of looking at myself in the mirror. The combination of no make-up, hideously grotesque florescent lighting that seemed to highlight my grey hairs, and a certain look on my face suddenly turned me into my grandmother. Honestly, I saw her. It was only a fleeting glimpse, but I transformed into my deceased 88-year old Mumsy Fern.

Truthfully, this isn't the first time I've seen it. In fact, I have a tendency to turn into her every now and then. For instance, I found this picture of me in NYC in 2005, and I was also shocked to see that I had become my grandmother...

I'm not kidding when I tell you this is exactly what she looked like.

So I'm going to go smoke some crack right now. Maybe that will make me feel better.


Anonymous said...

At least your grandmother did not have a beard - which I have lately discovered seems to be the only thing I gentically inherited from her, god rest her soul.

Chickytava said...

bwaaaahahhahaha!!!! Yes, she did!!