Thursday, March 15, 2007

Golden Girls meets Sex & the City

In a rather sad commentary about my life, I started thinking a little more deeply about the Golden Girls yesterday, having mentioned the show in my last blog entry.

In attempting to determine which Golden Girl I would most like to hang out with (I was having a tough time choosing between Dorothy and Sophia), I began to see some eerie parallels between The Golden Girls and Sex and the City.

I have concluded that they are more or less the same show, with just a bit of a generation gap.

It seems pretty clear that...

There's a slutty character (Blanche & Samantha)...

A sweet, naive, and optimistic girl (Rose & Charlotte)...

A sarcastic & bitter educated woman (Dorothy & Miranda)...

And a tiny petite woman (Sophia & Carrie)...

OK, so the Sophia & Carrie connection is a bit of stretch, but the other characters are pretty spot on.

To answer my original question (who would I most like to hang out with)... and to prove that there really is a link between these two TV shows, I took personality quizzes based on each program, and scored the character equivalents...

To take the Golden Girls quiz, go here.

You are most like Miranda!

While you've had your fair share of romance, men don't come first...
Guys are a distant third to your friends and career

Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?

Feel free to test my hypothesis...


Italianissima said...

I got Sophia and maybe you are on to something!

nonstop said...

I was Dorothy, which is a great disgrace. I wanted to be the Doctor played by George Wyner (Michael's L.A. uncle) who sexually harassed Betty White. He said that role was his hardest acting job ever.

JC said...

Wow, your hypothesis is amazing!

I was prepared for the testing not to work, seeing as how I'm male and all it was kind of tough to answer some of those questions. But I got the same results as you - Dorothy and Miranda!

JC said...

P.S. - You need to publish these results in a scholarly paper.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm - I think I failed. I got Dorothy and Carrie. Maybe I picked the wrong Golden Girl dessert? Though if Dorothy wants heaven to be all games shows all the time then she's my gal.

Even though I'd be the outlyer, I agree with jc - this is a scholarly paper in the making!

Chickytava said...

I picked heaven as all game shows too! That's a very Dorothy move...